Laboratory Professionals Business List

The Laboratory Professionals Business list reaches upper management and c-suite professionals with job titles including engineer, director, researcher, and VP. They are responsible for managing and operating laboratory facilities along with conducting research to develop new products and pharmaceuticals. This audience has the purchasing power to buy products ranging from beakers to chemicals to research medical cures, develop new energy sources, and improve materials.

23,160 Total Universe / Universe Rate $130.00/M
19,865 Telemarketing + $65.00/M
13,314 Email Addresses $290.00/M
transmission + $120.00/M


The Laboratory Professionals Business list reaches upper management and c-suite professionals with job titles including engineer, director, researcher, and VP. They are responsible for managing and operating laboratory facilities along with conducting research to develop new products and pharmaceuticals. This audience has the purchasing power to buy products ranging from beakers to chemicals to research medical cures, develop new energy sources, and improve materials.


With selects like gender, state, zip code, phone, and job title, marketers can easily target desired audiences in the laboratory sector. From developing stronger metals to analyzing blood samples for a patient, this audience is tasked with discovering products and treatments that improve the human condition. Management oversees staff like lab technicians that analyze data and perform vital testing measures. They put in place controls and safety procedures while in the lab to keep them and others safe. Lab professionals need recurring supplies as they often repeat clinical trials several times over until they get the desired result.

Job Function: Engineering, manufacturing, operations, R&D


Industries: Chemicals, biotechnology, education, healthcare, manufacturing, materials, pharmaceutical


Job duty snapshot: research and experiment, purchase lab materials, develop safety protocols, maintain equipment, provide QC, gather and analyze data, oversee staff, stay current on industry developments, test and measure

Products Purchased: Industry magazines, computers, diagnostics, lab equipment, eye protection, safety gear, calculators, test tubes, lab coats, bioinformatics, chemicals, microscopes, mobile communications, disinfectants, petri dishes, electronics, DNA sequencers, genomic instrumentation, imaging equipment, robotics, measuring devices, refrigeration, analytics, and general office supplies.


List Purchasers: Publications, software developers, lab equipment suppliers, data analytics providers, lab apparel providers, event coordinators, regulatory compliance providers, research facilities, legal advisors, insurance providers, financial institutions, continuing education providers, and credit card issuers.

Gender/Sex $10.00/M
State $15.00/M
SCF $15.00/M
Zip $15.00/M
Phones $65.00/M
Title Level $20.00/M
Title $20.00/M
Job Function $20.00/M
Industry $20.00/M
Key Coding $3.50/M
P/S Labels $15.00/M
EMAIL $100.00/F
Transmission $120.00/M
HTML Creative Set Up $150.00/F
Suppression (Under 300,000), $600 Max $150.00/F
Personalization $10.00/M
Image Hosting (per image) $50.00/F
A/B Split $150.00/F


Title Level   (20.00/M)
C Level 	4,401 	
Management 	9,822 	

Job Title   (20.00/M)
Design Engineer 	1,184 	
Director 	3,715 	
Engineer 	3,873 	
Researcher 	2,984 	
Vice President 	1,827 	

Job Function   (20.00/M)
Engineering, Manufacturing, Operations, Research and Development 	22,732 	

Industry   (20.00/M)
Chemicals 	2,926 	
Biotechnology 	913 	
Education 	5,701 	
Healthcare/Hospitals 	1,772 	
Manufacturing 	1,357 	
Materials 	2,731 	
Pharmaceutical 	2,128 	

Ordering Instructions

  • 5,000 Name Minimum Order $0.00 Minimum Price
  • Net Name is allowed
  • Please Inquire about Exchange
  • Broker Commission 20% on base
  • Agency Commission 15% on base
  • Please Inquire about Reuse
  • Cancellation fee at $100.00/F: Orders cancelled prior to merge are subject to a $100/F cancellation fee plus any applicable production charges. Orders cancelled after merge-purge are payable in full.