Logistics Distribution

Logistics Distribution reaches professionals who manage the flow of goods from origin to destination. They are professionals who assemble, package and ship freight around the world. They handle cargo, move product from supplier to end-user, store freight, keep cold freight chilled, maintain truck fleets, negotiate shipment pricing, schedule routes, prepare manifests, package goods, manage inventory and manage staff.

159,557 Total Universe / Universe Rate $130.00/M
159,557 US Postal Addresses $130.00/M
4,325 US Emails $280.00/M
22,699 Female Professional at Postal addresses $140.00/M


Logistics Distribution reaches professionals who manage the flow of goods from origin to destination.  They are professionals who assemble, package and ship freight around the world.  They handle cargo, move product from supplier to end-user, store freight, keep cold freight chilled, maintain truck fleets, negotiate shipment pricing, schedule routes, prepare manifests, package goods, manage inventory and manage staff.  Key tiitles in the industry include COO, CFO, logistics director, transportation manager, supply chain specialist, procurement manager, purchasing specialist, warehouse manager, finance professional, administrator and plant operations manager.


Logistics and supply chain product buyers are tasked with getting products from the manufacturer/supplier to the customer. Systems and processes are put in place to manage, move, store, invoice and protect shipments whether transporting locally or globally. Logistics providers maintain a fleet of big rigs, tractor trailers, and vans to move product. They often store goods at warehouses until ready to be received or shipped. Many handle hazardous materials and comply with all hazmat regulations. Supply chain management relies on call centers to track loads as they move to their destinations. With a supply chain system in place, companies enjoy greater flexibility, reduced operation costs and improved communications with suppliers and customers. This audience pursues continuing education opportunities for professional development and new supply chain technology trends.


This list would be good for offers related to publishers, consultants, technology providers, tradeshow organizers, fleet vehicle providers, fuel providers, vehicle inspectors, insurance providers, financial institutions, equipment providers, packagers, legal advisors, software developers, environmental agencies, regulatory agencies, R&D facilities, office supply providers, apparel providers, credit card issuers and more.

Sales Volume $20.00/M
Employee Size $20.00/M
Telephone Numbers $50.00/M
Transmission $150.00/M
Suppression $150.00/F
HTML Set Up Fee $150.00/F
Geography $10.00/M
Job titles $20.00/M
Key Coding $5.00/M
FTP $100.00/F


Sales Volume   (20.00/M)
$0 - 1M 		
$1 - 10M 		
$10 - 50M 		
$50 - 100M 		
$100 - 250M 		
$250 - 500M 		
$500M - 1B 		
> $1B 		

Employee Size   (20.00/M)
1-10 employees 		
11-50 employees 		
51-200 employees 		
201-500 employees 		
501-1,000 employees 		
1,001-5,000 employees 		
5,001-10,000 employees 		
10,001+ employees 		

Ordering Instructions

  • 5,000 Name Minimum Order $0.00 Minimum Price
  • Net Name is allowed ($10.00/M Run Charge)
  • Exchange is not available
  • Broker Commission 20% on base
  • Agency Commission 15% on base
  • Please Inquire about Reuse